J.N.Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.
A recent paper by researchers from the Centre for Brain Research at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc)...
Loneliness is a sad reality of modern life. The problem is even more severe among the elderly who for a variety of reasons get adrift from their social networks and communities as they age.
Here’s a short questionnaire for you: What’s your age? When did you start working? Or, if you have retired, when did you retire? Or, if you are still studying,
So much has been said and written about the "demographic dividend" of India’s large young population that we have collectively failed to take note of a looming ageing
NEW YORK: Excessive alcohol consumption is not safe for a person at any age, but it is particularly dangerous for older adults. And according to a study published this week..
Middle-aged people over 55 years of age in particular should be doing more to keep fit as they approach retirement age because of the physical, mental and social benefits of being active, says a study.